
Monday, 6 January 2025

Honkey Loud Monkey

January 06, 2025
Honkey Loud Monkey

One Honkey named boy was getting daily punishment in the school because he goes late school always. The teacher said to calls the parent to him but he was lying always.

One day his teacher visited his home to give his bad performance in the school. His parent became sad when they heard these kind reports by his teacher.

Teacher told that if he didn't become good boy then I will ask the school to remove him and he went at home.

Parent started talking with each other that what to do?

His mother said that she has a plan and his father asked that what it is? and she told the plan.

According plan they taken a monkey at home and he was very good monkey. One day Honkey was playing with Monkey then he felt that the monkey is angry.

He ran away inside home and told to his parent but his parent ignored him.

Monkey came inside home with anger but Honkey was fearing a lot then his parent told that you shouldn't be late.

As you visited home to make safe yourself from monkey but he is your friend as you can go school on time to see others as friend, if you'll be late then the teacher will be angry and he will not play with you.

Africa's Marshmallow

January 06, 2025
Africa's Marshmallow

One big pigeon named Marshmallow was king of Africa's pigeon family and his family started getting hunger one day.
He thought to go in another world but he was not getting success so he started worshiping his God Kungmi.

Kungmi was very powerful God and he always completed Marshmallow's wish but he was on rest those days.

Marshmallow's worshiping made him more powerful God always.

The one year completed and Kungmi didn't listen but her wife God got instruction that maybe someone is worshiping and they are not getting his name.

Her wife God Pifma tried to open Kungmi God's eyes but he was not opening it. 
After 2 years Marshmallow was started getting old and he didn't leave worship then Kungmi's bed started roaming and earthquake started coming then Kungmi opened eyes.

The he listened and he went to Marshmallow. Marshmallow opened his eyes and he told his problem.

Kungmi and Pifma given the life to all pigeon family and Marshmallow became young and he lived unlimited years happily.

Honey Train

January 06, 2025
Honey Train

One night a train was going from the a station and it was winter. A boy was sitting with the all people in the train with honey.

His honey's pot was very big but however he was controlling it in hands. One station came and boy eaten some honey because he was hungry.

He felt good but he thought that what if his mother didn't get complete pot so she will shout at him. He closed the box of honey and station came. He taken step down from train and prepared himself for the home.

He reached to the home and his mother opened the door so he entered in the home. 

His mother asked, "Why you came late?"

He replied that the train was late and he couldn't reach to home.

After he changed the dress and he came on the dinner table and he saw that his mother given some honey in a pot with dinner plate so he became happy.

But the boy asked to her mother, "It was for sale and why you offered me so much honey?"

The mother said, "You came with tiredness and you cared for it so I wanted to give this honey box as your birthday gift."

The boy said, "Oh! mom I forgot, Its my birthday."

and he became very happy with his favorite breakfast for everyday.

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Drama Queen Admin

January 05, 2025
Drama Queen Admin

Long ago, a queen was very sad and she asked her driver to give a ride to forest and they agreed. The queen reached to forest and she saw many rabbits and lions were taking a meeting.
It was there food planning meeting, The queen asked from 1 rabbit that what's the drama?
The rabbit told her that Its our food planning meeting and lions are as board member and they will vote for it.

The queen got surprised and started listening their meeting and suddenly 1 lion said that he want to suggest that they shouldn't allow a peacock in the forest.

The another lion said, "Why?"

The lion said, "because they are not good in dance now a days."

4 lions agreed with it and rabbits time came to speak and the chief rabbit told that they are facing rain problem and they don't get anyplace to play.

The lion chief said, "We can give one cave to you for play."

The queen asked from the lion after board meeting that when this kind a board meeting happens?

The lion replied that when we don't get enough food and feel tired to search and they eaten all the rabbits but queen was successful run away.

Kingmaker's Friend - Last Part

January 05, 2025
Kingmaker's Friend - Last Part

Honeyfert's story was good but the Honeyfert never liked the classes. Her mother asked him that what kind fear you have inside heart?
He just said, "Nothing mom, a dog barks when I go to shop and school comes in the between us." Her mom smiled and said, "If you'll go to school then you'll learn that how to convince a dog to not bark."

He went and he asked to the teacher that how to control a dog who barks at me. The teacher said that if you'll have money then he will not bark at you.

He asked, "How?"

Teacher said, "If you'll have money you can purchase the product and give him to eat."

He said, "I want to go shop and he comes between shop and school so how to purchase product to give him to eat."

Teacher said, "Then give your lunch-box food to him."

Boy became angry and told to teacher that my mother cooks it for me and I'll give it to him and just for not barking.

Teacher said, "Share it with him and he will be friend."

Boy agreed and the dog became his friend and boy started going school to become rich so he can give the dog, food daily.

Kingmaker's Friend

January 05, 2025
Kingmaker's Friend

A boy was going through the school to shop and he saw a dog which was very proficient in barking. Next day because of the fear he didn't want to go shop. 
After the 3 days his mother said to go shop and the school was near it so he started to go school. Here is the story of a boy who feared from School and Dog and let's see what he chosen?

The boy's name was Honeyfert and he was very funny kind a boy but he always feared from everything. One day his one friend asked to go school and he went and they both cracked a Joke.

Joke was:

I am a Dog but I will never bark to the Cat.
The Cat said that I am a Cat and I will drink milk always.
The Dog laughed and he said I'm rich but you are poor.

Children laughed and some said that what happened next?

The Honeyfert said that Cat went in the train and said to everyone meaw because of poverty but she didn't get milk there. She went all around city but everyone said It's cat and we can't allow. The Cat became tired and she came to Dog and the Dog said let's go to shop and he started barking to the shopkeeper because of shopkeepers left the shop and Dog said go and take milk.
The Cat was tired and hungry and that's how a Dog became friend with the Cat.

Monday, 16 December 2024

Humble people are not easy to understand.

December 16, 2024
Humble people are not easy to understand.

Once, I wanted to explain a boy that you should keep patience for everything and he told me to not go anywhere then he will listen me carefully.

I waited for him and he dared me a game so that he will not listen me. I became tired in the game but he liked to play and I enjoyed as well as but I wanted to play it after rest. He said he won the game without playing because he wants to continue without having player. I agreed and I slept but when I wakeup so I tried to play with him then he suggested me to watch and it didn't disturb me.

I thought, once he will be tired, I will play but the day never came and he became young by playing and I became old.

If he understand that much then, he should care about his parent but he always played here and there. 

One day boy is going to visit to their parent but they were busy in the playing game like him. He thought that he will be player only in the world. As he believed as he became and he is the winner today.

His mom and dad played with each other and cared for each other but he never cared for his legs and hands. 


If you are playing alone then at-least care for the legs and hands which is going to make you win for the game.

If you don't want to play then don't play.